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GO 156 Permission for Filling up of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Four (2,904) vacant posts in police Department

 Public Services – Recruitment – Filling up of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Four (2,904) vacant posts through Direct Recruitment - Permission to the Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board – Orders –Issued.
FINANCE (HRM-I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 156 Dated: 12/11/2015
Read the following:-
              1. G.O.Ms.No.108, Finance (HRM-I) Department, dt.27-07-2015.
              2. D.O. Letter No.998-A/25/A1/HRM-I/2015, dt:04-09-2015.
              3. Home Dept., U.O.No.14985/Ser.IV/A2/2015, dt.09.11.2015.
In the G.O. first read and the D.O. letter second read above Government have accorded permission to fill up the following direct recruitment vacancies through Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board.

  1. In the reference third read above, the Home (Ser.IV) Department have furnished proposals to accord permission for filling up of (2,904) more direct recruitment vacancies in various categories through Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board.
  2. After careful examination of the proposal furnished by the Home (Ser.IV) Department and keeping in view of the actual requirement of manpower with reference to the nature of work and activities of the department and also the overall financial implications, Government hereby accord permission to fill (2,904) direct recruitment vacancies in various categories as shown below through Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, in addition to the direct recruitment vacancies already permitted to be filled as shown in para-1 above.
  3. The Chairman, Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, Hyderabad shall take appropriate steps for filling up the above vacancies through direct recruitment by obtaining the details, such as zone/ district wise vacancy position, roster points and qualifications, etc., from the concerned authorities. The Chairman, Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, Hyderabad shall issue the notification and schedule for recruitment expeditiously.
  4. The Home (Ser.IV) Department and Head of Department concerned shall furnish details, such as Zone/District wise vacancy position, Roster points, qualifications, etc., in respect of the above vacancies to the Chairman, Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, Hyderabad.

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