RC 359 TS RMSA Grants for the Year 2015-16
The Govt of Telangana released funds towards implementation of RMSA Programme under the components of School Annual Grants and Minor Repairs at School level for 2015-16.
- 1. Letter.F.No.34-2/2015 RMSA-1(GEN), Dt:01.06.2015 of Govt. of India.
- 2. Minutes of the 44th RMSA Meeting held on 01.05.2015 Dt:16.05.2014 of the Government of India MHRD, New Delhi.
- 3. Lr.No.1-18/2015 - RMSA.III, dated.22-9-2015 of the Joint Secretary to GoI, MHRD Department, New Delhi.
All the Head Masters/ Principals & Chairmen of School Management Development Committees of identified Secondary Schools & all the District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio District Project Coordinators in the State are informed that GOI, MHRD, New Delhi have sanctioned & released amounts vide references read above. Wherein the Govt. of India had only released Rs.81.31 Crores out of total approval under RMSA Recurring Grants of Rs.215.64 Crores and the Govt. of India had further not released total Recurring grants under RMSA scheme.
Therefore, the Director of School Education & Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, Telangana, Hyderabad is pleased to accord sanction and released an amount of Rs.13.4225 Crores @ Rs. 50,000/- to each 5369 secondary schools in the State (list of schools enclosed) towards School Annual Grants as a First installment.
Further, they are informed that GOI, MHRD, New Delhi have communicated a Framework for Implementation of RMSA Scheme. Based on the Frame Work of chapter IV of 4.6 the following are the details of sanctioned components, Grant of amount and details for utilization of Grants relating to Physical infrastructure, School Annual Grants and Minor Repairs under Recurring Grants for the year 2015-16.
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RC 359 TS RMSA Grants for the Year 2015-16