TS Vidya Volunteers Salary/Honorarium Amount Released for 2015-16
Proceedings Of The Director Of School Education :: Telangana :: Hyderabad
Rc.No.330/PS2-2/2015 Dated: 01.12.2015 ;School Education - Sanction of Rs.44,47,52,000/- (Rupees Forty four crores forty seven lakhs fifty two thousand only) towards payment of honorarium to the Vidya Volunteers engaged during the year 2015-16 -Orders - Issued - Reg.
1. G.O.Rt.No.162, School Education(Prog.1) Department, dt:03.09.2015.
2. G.O.Rt.No.2941, Finance (EBS.IV) Dept., dt:14.09.2015.
3. G.O.Rt.No.170, School Education (Prog.1) Dept.,dt:16.09.2015.
Vidya Volunteers honorarium is Rs.8,000/- for Month: In pursuance of the Budget Release Orders and Administrative Sanction Orders issued by the Government in the reference 2nd and 3rd read above, the Director of School Education is pleased to sanction an amount of Rs.44,47,52,000/- (Rupees Forty four crores forty seven lakhs fifty two thousand only) i.e.,Rs.21,81,76,000/- (Rupees Twenty one crores eighty one lakhs seventy six thousand only) for Primary Schools and 22,65,76,000/- (Rupees Twenty two crores sixty five lakhs seventy six thousand only) for Secondary Schools to the District Educational Officers in the State towards payment of honorarium to the Vidya Volunteers engaged during the academic year 2015-16.