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GO MS 7 Revision of Pay Scales 2015 Ammendments


G.O.MS.No.                                                     7 Dated: 23-01-2016

Read the following:

1. G.O.Ms.No.25, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 18.03.2015.
2. PR & RD (RWS.I) Department, U.O.No.11506/RWS.I/A1/2015, dated:01-12-2015
* * *

Based on the recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision Commission, orders
were issued for Revision of Pay Scales, 2015 to the State Government employees in
the Government Order first read above.

  1. In the reference second read above, the PR & RD Department have stated that
    the pay scales for Superintending Engineers and Assistant Engineers of RWS&S
    Department are lesser when compared to the pay scales of similar categories in other
    Engineering Departments and requested to rectify the discrepancy which arose in the
    recommendations of PRC in Volume-III of the report.

  2. It is observed that the 10th PRC in Volume-II of its report recommended that
    the pay scales of various categories of Engineers working under I&CAD Dept., will
    equally apply to similar categories of Engineers working in Irrigation (Projects) Dept.,
    R&B Dept., Municipal and P.H. Engineering, Panchayat Raj Engineering, RWS&S
    Dept. and T.W. Engineering Dept. But, in Volume -III of the report, the revised
    scales against the categories of the AEs and SEs are less than that of similar
    categories of other Engineering Departments, which may be typographical error.

  3. It is also noticed that the pay scale of Rs.35120-87130 is assigned to Lecturer
    in Clinical Psychology under Directorate of Medical Education in Volume-III of the
    Report of 10th PRC. Whereas in Volume-II of the report, the pay scale of Rs.40270-
    93780 was recommended. Thus the discrepancy.

  4. In the circumstances, after careful examination, Government here by order
    that as per the recommendations in Volume-II and made amendments.


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