RC 1298 installation of Toll Free Telephone Number at Director of School Education
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education (RJDs) / District Educational Officers (DEOs) in the State are informed that it is noticed that more number of stake holders are coming personally to this office for submitting various grievances/issues pertaining to this Department. To avoid the hardship to the stake holders, it is decided to install a Toll Free Telephone Number in this office for receiving the grievances and address the issues immediately.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education (RJDs) / District Educational Officers (DEOs) in the State are informed that it is noticed that more number of stake holders are coming personally to this office for submitting various grievances/issues pertaining to this Department. To avoid the hardship to the stake holders, it is decided to install a Toll Free Telephone Number in this office for receiving the grievances and address the issues immediately.
Accordingly the following Toll Free Telephone has been installed in 0/o. Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad for receiving grievances from all corners.
TOLL FREE NUMBER : 1800-425-7462
Therefore, they are requested to give wide publicity in their districts and also instruct the Head Masters of all the schools (Govt. / ZP / Mpl. / Private / Aided / Model Schools / KGBV) under their control to paint the Toll Free Number at visible place in the school premises with bold letters immediately. The Toll Free Number will function from 10.30 AM to 6 PM in all working days.